BIO-SUSHY at the Nanosafety Training School

The NanoSafety Training School 2023, held in Venice from 15th to 19th May, focused on Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) approaches for chemicals, advanced materials, and plastics. The event, organized by various Horizon2020 and flagship projects, brought together over 130 researchers from around the world to discuss nanomaterials, environmental impacts of micro and nano plastics, advanced material assessment methods, policy perspectives, and more.

For BIO-SUSHY, Acumenist, 7P9, and University of Leeds partners gave visibility to the project.

In particular, on May 17, Dr. Thomas Exner (7P9) gave a presentation on FAIR Data Management: “The FAIR Principles” and “(Meta)data models and schemas” (presentation available here). Dr Exner also provided a hands-on session on instance mapping tool for FAIR data management to showcase how map elements are connected to data management systems in the BIO-SUSHY project, creating a central registry with various linked information resources, including metadata templates, data files, and electronic lab notebook links.

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