BIO-SUSHY First Review Meeting
On Thursday, January 25th, the BIO-SUSHY project held its first review meeting to assess the first progress and plan for the upcoming period. The meeting was hosted by our partner Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Bologna, Italy) and brought together the project Consortium involved in different work packages to discuss the project’s progress and achievements, as well as the project officer from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), an expert reviewer and the external advisory board.
During the meeting, the project coordinator, Mireille Poelman (Materia Nova), presented an overview of the project and its current status, followed by presentations from each work package (WP). The WP presentations covered various topics, including the specifications and social acceptance, the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework involved in developing our novel coating materials. Presentations also included the computational tools for creating innovative coatings and the measures to maximize the project impact, such as communication, exploitation, and standardization.
The presentations provided a detailed insight into the achievements of each WP, the impact delivered, and their links with other WPs. They also covered the activities performed during the reporting period, including their respective deliverables and milestones.
The meeting concluded with a Q&A session where mainly the External Advisory Board provided their feedback on the project.
Overall, the first review meeting was an important milestone for the BIO-SUSHY project to assess its progress and collaboration among the partners. Comments from the reviewers were positive and welcome for implementing improvements.
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