BIO-SUSHY at the NanoSAFE’ 23
The NanoSAFE23 conference, organized every two years in Grenoble since 2008, took place from June 5th to 9th, 2023. This internationally renowned event brought together experts to share the latest research findings on health and safety issues related to nanomaterials and beyond, advocating for a socially responsible approach.
For BIO-SUSHY, Acumenist, 7P9, and the University of Leeds partners gave visibility to the project by distributing communication material, giving a presentation, and providing training.
On Tuesday, June 6th, Dr. Thomas Exner (7P9) gave training on “FAIR Data and Model provision” where he provided practical insights into the implementation of FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIPs) and the use of the instance mapping tool. The tool facilitates the representation and design of intricate experimental workflows while establishing connections to data repositories. Moreover, Prof. Andrew Nelson had a presentation titled “Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PvP) Interaction with Biomembrane-Like Layers” (book of abstract).